This is a summary for the following podcast episode.
「繊細(せんさい)さん」とは|What is HSP?
HSPはアメリカのエレイン・N・アーロン(Aron,Elaine N.)博士によって提唱された気質です。気質なので病気とは違い、敏感な人という性質です。

The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine N. Aron(1997-06-02)
HSP is proposed by Dr. Aron, Elaine N. in the United States. It is not a disease, but a disposition of being a sensitive person.
It is a temperament that exists in every society at a constant rate of approximately 20% as a survival strategy for survival.
HSP are sensitive to light, sound, food, smells, environment, and human energy.
It is characterized by a tendency to get sick easily in places that do not fit or due to changes in the environment, as well as being easily fatigued when around other people.
What do you think? It sounds tiring? But HSP is one of a temperament. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. It is important to know your temperament, be positive about it, and make the best use of it.

繊細さんチェック項目|Are you HSP?
Here is a check list for HSP.
If 12 of the 23 items apply to you, you are probably HSP.
- 周りの小さな変化にもわりと気が付くほうだ|Rather aware of small changes in my surroundings
- 人の気分に左右されやすい|Easily influenced by people’s moods
- 痛みに弱い|Sensitive to pain
- 慌ただしい日が続くと、一人でぼーっとできる所に行きたい|Want to be alone after a hectic day
- カフェインに弱いほうだ|Sensitive to caffeine
- まぶしい光、強烈なにおい、ごわごわした布地の肌触り、サイレンなどの大音量が苦手だ|Don’t like glaring lights, strong smells, the feel of stiff fabrics, sirens, and other loud noises.
- 物事を深く考え、内的生活が豊かだ|Think deeply about things and have a rich inner life
- 騒音や大きな音が苦手だ|Don’t like loud noises
- 本や映画、音楽や写真・絵画など芸術に心動かされやすいほうだ|Easily moved by art such as books, movies, music, photography and painting
- 何かをするときは、いい加減にしないで丁寧にするほうだ|Being careful, not lax
- 何事にもびっくりしやすい|Easily startled
- 短い時間に多くのことを抱えると、動揺してしまう|Having too much going on in a short amount of time can be upsetting
- 誰かが物理的な環境で落ち着かない思いをしているとき、どうしたら心地よくなるか気づくタイプだ|Easily notice how to make someone feel comfortable when they’re feeling uncomfortable in their physical environment
- 一度に多くのことを頼まれるとイライラしてしまう|Get frustrated when asked to do too many things at once
- ミスや忘れ物がないように、いつも気をつけている|Be always careful not to make mistakes or forget anything
- バイオレンス映画やテレビの残虐なシーンなどは見ないようにしている|Try not to watch violent movies or brutal scenes on TV
- 色んな事が周りで起こると、気分が悪くなる|Feel bad when a lot of things happen around me
- お腹が空きすぎると、集中力を欠いたり、気分が乱れたりする|Being lack of concentration and mood disturbances when being too hungry
- 生活に変化が起こると、混乱する|Disruptive when changes occur in daily lives
- 繊細で上品な香り、味、音や芸術などが好きだ|Like delicate and elegant aromas, tastes, sounds and art
- 動揺する状況を避けるよう優先する|Try to avoid upsetting situations
- 課題、仕事をするとき、競争させられたり、見られたりしていると、緊張して普段の実力が出せない| Get nervous and cannot perform at my usual level of ability, when competing or being watched for assignments or work
- 子どものとき、親や教師から「敏感だ」「内気だ」と思われていた|Parents and teachers may consider me “sensitive” or “shy” during childhood
- 繊細(せんさい)…sensitive
- 認知される…知(し)られる、be recognized
- 呼称(こしょう)…名前、name
- 提唱(ていしょう)する…propose, put forward
- 『ささいなことにもすぐに「動揺(どうよう)」してしまうあなたへ。』(エレイン・N・アーロン著)…”The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You” (A book by Dr. Aron, Elaine N.)
- 気質(きしつ)…temperament, disposition
- 生存戦略(せいぞんせんりゃく)…survival strategy
- 人類(じんるい)…人々、humans
- 絶滅(ぜつめつ)する…become extinct
- ~に左右(さゆう)されやすい…be easily influenced by
- 体調(たいちょう)を崩(くず)す…get sick
- [自分を]肯定(こうてい)する…be positive about me, improve self-esteem
- 活(い)かす…make the best use of, take advantage of